Kelly and Christy have embarked on an exciting career in the Travel Industry. We have been hard at work training and learning the necessary tools to assist our friends, families, colleagues with their travel needs. TravelOnly is a premier Travel company with over 37 years experience and is a certified member of IATA, CLIA, ACTA, ASTA, TICO, BPCPA, OPC and Better Business Bureau.
The popular phrase “What are you waiting for?” seems ever more appropriate in the world we live in today. Whether you’ve been thinking or dreaming about: A Cruise Holiday, Weekend Spa, A Family Vacation, A Stress-busting Week in the Caribbean sun, An Anniversary Getaway ... We can help! We can contribute as much or as little coordination as you wish. Our objective is to make it easy, simple and fun to plan your next vacation.
Many of you have mentioned to us how you’d love to “get away”....our question to you is “WHY NOT GO?” Take some time out to enjoy what life has to offer........waiting for the “perfect time to get away” may leave you without a “break from the everyday” for years!
We look forward to assisting you with your travel needs.